Separation Party of Alberta - "Giving Alberta to Albertans" |
Social Policies |
1. The Separation Party of Alberta believes in the concept of school choice, whether public or private, and that parents are better able to make the proper choices for their children. Those adults and parents who know the child best, care the most, and are most affected by the success or failure of their decision, should select the school that their child will attend and we will promote any initiative in this direction.
2. A Separation Party of Alberta government will institute student based funding which means that educational funds will follow the student to any accredited public education, private education facility or home based schooling of parental choice in Alberta.
3. We will set high standards for education including student literacy and teacher quality, measured achievements, school grading system and student performance to enforce the overall goal to improve student learning from early childhood to adult education. We will focus on improved teacher training and initiate measures to reward high performance educators. We will implement steps to reduce absenteeism and truancy. We will implement Alberta Citizenship courses for grades K-12 to strengthen and support family values, democratic principles and duties of citizenship.
4. A Separation Party of Alberta government will provide interest-free loans to Alberta students attending post-secondary education institutions, colleges and technical schools to assist with the cost of their tuition and books. Every student will be required to enter into an agreement with the government which will provide that so long as they remain in school, complete their education and work in Alberta for a minimum of five years following graduation, the amount expended for their education will be forgiven. But, if for any reason, the student quits school or does not work in Alberta, he or she will be required to repay to the Alberta government the actual amount expended by the government through loans for their education.
5. The Separation Party of Alberta supports the traditional family as the cornerstone of our society and we commit ourselves to protect and enhance this treasured institution. Parental authority and responsibility will be recognized and protected. We will ensure that people fleeing violent situations are provided with sufficient support, including increased stays in transition houses to re-establish themselves and not face a future of poverty.
6. A Separation Party of Alberta government will negotiate fairly and openly with all First Nations and Metis in Alberta for their right to self-government, ownership of resources on native lands (subject to royalty payments) and the right of every individual aboriginal person to own their land within the reservation. We will establish a First Nations and Metis Committees to deal with all matters pertaining to the foregoing including the settlement of all native land claims, all of which is subject to approval by the Legislature. As these matters are settled there will be no further need for the government to make any further payments to First Nations and Metis in our province.
7. A Separation Party of Alberta government will adhere to the four basic principles of health care:(a) Comprehensiveness
(b) Universality
(c) Portability
(d) AccessibilityWe will explore the possibility of private health care to supplement the delivery of public health care in Alberta.
8. A Separation Party of Alberta government will:(a) allow for democratically elected local hospital boards and the professional management of health care dollars;
(b) allow all hospitals and other health care facilities to compete for patient care;
(c) re-evalute all grants and subsidies to all hospitals and health care facilities in Alberta;
(d) provide a mechanism by which any public funds for health care services rendered will follow the patient;
(e) develop a decentralized model for health care service delivery, assuring local accountability and community participation;
(f) provide Albertans with a choice for alternative medical care treatments and alternate delivery of designated health care procedures ; (ie: Dental Hygiene, Homeopathic, Acupuncture, etc...)
(g) expand funding for home care, supported housing, assisted living, long term care facilities and palliative care hospices to provide better, less costly and more patient-friendly alternatives to hospital care;
(h) encourage health care practitioners to emphasize wellness, self-reliance and conservation through preventive approaches to the practice of medicine;
(i) promote the elimination of pollutants from the environment as a positive instrument of health care;
(j) expand training and post-secondary programs to graduate more Care Aides, Licensed Practical Nurses and Registered Nurses;
(k) explore the possibility of expanding the guidelines to increase the utilization of the health care expertise of Registered Nurses;
(l) establish health standards that ensure all citizens in every part of Alberta are entitled to equitable, reliable and high quality health services;
(m) develop performance measures that are audited annually and publicly reported for each health care standard, to ensure that the entire health system is accountable for fulfilling their duties to provide the prescribed levels of patient care;
(n) give all Albertans better access to their medical records and treatment histories, enhanced information with respect to their privacy rights and bi-annual statements for health care services rendered;
(o) develop a 10 year human resource plan that properly provides for the training, recruitment and retention of physicians, surgeons, nurses, specialists and other health care providers in every area of the province, and that addresses critical skills shortages and staffing levels in every area of Alberta;
(p) develop a Medical Machinery and Equipment Plan that ensures existing medical diagnostic and care equipment is adequately staffed, fully utilized and properly maintained, and that provides for future investments in new equipment and technologies;
(q) mandate that Alberta Health covers ambulance charges;
(r) provide health care funding to cover services and products by licensed naturopathic physicians and restore full funding to chiropractors and physiotherapists;
(t) reduce waiting times.9. A Separation Party of Alberta government will:
(a) allocate publicly owned land for affordable housing where appropriate; and
(b) implement a flexible, innovative program to increase the supply of affordable housing.10. A Separation Party of Alberta government will establish and administer its own immigration program and support an immigration policy based on acceptable applicants who will embrace our way of life and accept our standards of behavior and abide by our laws.
11. A Separation Party of Alberta government willa) establish an Alberta police force with one central administration incorporating all existing municipal police forces to be operated more cost effectively than the present system, and we will ensure that all police officers are properly trained (with a high set of standards) and armed to protect their communities; and
b) establish a security force to protect Albertans from Armed insurrection, invasion by any foreign power and any imminent danger to Alberta's interest.
12. Separation Party of Alberta government will enact its own criminal law system which will have severe penalties for infractions.
13. A Separation Party of Alberta government will hold a binding referendum on the reinstatement of capital punishment.
14. When elected to office, the Separation Party of Alberta will immediately challenge all federally sponsored firearms control legislation as being unconstitutional. Firearms are property and fall within the exclusive jurisdiction of the provincial government under the Canadian Constitution. When elected, we will initiate legislation guaranteeing Alberta residents the Right to Bear Arms and protect this legislation from federal interference by invoking the "notwithstanding" clause of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
15. Private property rights will be protected and we will prevent government from expropriating any property without fair and equitable compensation.
16. A Separation Party of Alberta government will:(a) reduce court fees to ensure that everyone has affordable access to our justice system;
(b) fight child prostitution and youth crime with legislation aimed at providing greater protection to children at risk of exploitation and greater parental responsibility for children who commit crimes;
(c) vigorously defend Alberta's ownership of provincial land and resources;
(d) institute measures whereby criminals will be made to compensate victims of crimes;
(e) ensure that criminals serve their full sentences as laid down by the law;
(f) establish an independent investigatory agency for the purpose of reviewing complaints against the police and private security companies;
(g) institute a program whereby all offenders could be sentenced to boot camps featuring physical labour and education. It is time to put the onus on the offender and not the victim;
(h) ensure that more police are on the streets;
(i) develop Alberta's own sexual offender registry with links to other governments;
(j) ensure that our police have the tools to pursue internet-related crimes; and
(k) deny criminals the right to vote while they are incarcerated.17. The Separation Party of Alberta supports the principle of all citizens being first and foremost Albertans with our combined ethnic and religious backgrounds forming a unique and distinct culture that we know as Alberta. The concept of individual ethnic and religious group maintenance rests solely on those who wish to support their heritage and not on the government.
18. A Separation Party of Alberta government will:(a) ensure that Albertans will be given priority over out of province and foreign students for admission to and funding for post secondary institutions;
(b) work constructively with employers, post secondary institutes and technical schools to increase training and apprenticeships in the trade and technical sectors; and
(c) increase research and development funding for colleges, universities and other institutes and encourage private sector partnerships.19. The Separation Party of Alberta supports the principle of social responsibility within the framework of an unfettered free enterprise system. We support compassionate service, volunteerism and individual responsibility.
20. Insofar as social assistance is concerned, we support:(a) helping individuals and families at such times and cases when they are incapable of helping themselves. However, the primary role of the welfare system should be to assist the individual in realizing their full potential and re-establishing their self esteem through active self-management and work experience; and
(b) the concept of requiring employable persons receiving social assistance to upgrade their skills for the purpose of obtaining meaningful employment.
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