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Economic and Fiscal Policies

The Separation Party of Alberta is committed to a small and effective government which is fiscally and financially fully accountable and whose powers are limited to the functions that are essential to a modern nation state. The following policies will govern the future economic and fiscal growth of our nation:

1. We will create an economic climate in which businesses can thrive and grow, and with their success create quality job opportunities for all Albertans free from the burdensome bureaucratic red tape which entangles them at present. This will be done by broad-based tax reform, lower personal and business taxes, maintaining mandated balanced budgets and “Zero Based” budgeting in all government departments; thereby ensuring a stable monetary policy and the elimination of wasteful spending and unnecessary regulations.

2. To enhance the status of municipalities we are committed to provide them with interest-free loans:

(a) to develop and maintain their infrastructure requirements; and
(b) to develop and own their own utility services, such as natural gas and power, as long as their residents approve of such developments by referendum.

3. The Separation Party of Alberta would institute a program whereby all revenues received from education taxes and health care premiums be set aside in separate operating funds to be used expressly for such purposes and, when necessary, to be supplemented from the general revenue or resource revenue to ensure the proper funding and operation of these departments.

4. We would institute a program to set aside the sum of $1 billion in a sustainable emergency disaster relief fund to meet unexpected disasters, the program to be funded by interest earned from the Heritage Savings and Trust Fund and natural resource revenue.

5. We support the elimination of the hotel tax and believe that the private sector is better able to promote their tourist industry.

6. We support the elimination of the tire tax and believe that the private sector is better able to promote their recycling industry.

7. We support the elimination of all mandatory marketing boards and commissions and will allow producers to form voluntary marketing and export associations in a free and unfettered market economy.

8. We will continue to support the operation of the Alberta Treasury Branches and will promote their original purpose of providing competitive financial services for Alberta’s families, farmers and small businesses.

9. We will continue to support and enhance any initiatives and endeavors to ensure a clean environment for Albertans. Severe penalties will be levied against anyone polluting our environment. Industries will be encouraged to implement technologies which will ensure a clean environment as a result of their manufacturing.

10. The Separation Party of Alberta supports all initiatives to eliminate indirect taxes and tariffs on farm inputs and freight rate discrimination.

11. Upon forming the government of Alberta the Separation Party of Alberta will initiate legislation to re-establish the areas of jurisdiction to which our province was entitled under the British North America Act, 1867, including, but not limited to, the establishment of a provincial police force and armed services corps, an Alberta pension plan, collection of all personal and corporate taxes, healthcare, education and immigration.

12. The Separation Party of Alberta opposes the unknown ramifications of the implementation of the Kyoto Accord upon Albertans, but we will impose strict laws and regulations on all effluent producing industries and ensure that the costs of air, land and water treatment or purification are borne by the polluters.

13. The Separation Party of Alberta will institute a merit system within government departments rewarding individuals for service levels, initiative and efficiency and encourage all public sector departments to follow our lead.

14. We would re-evalutate all government grants and subsidies.

15. We support any program and initiative that enhances:

(a) cooperation between business, labour and government to ensure that Albertans compete effectively in the global marketplace;
(b) health and safety in the marketplace;
(c) and gives workers and employers greater flexibility in Employment Standards and allows individual workers to voluntarily determine their membership in labour organizations;
(d) and makes the Workers Compensation Board more responsive to workers and employers needs.

16. A Separation Party of Alberta government would impose financial penalties on Cabinet Ministers who exceed their department’s budget.

17. We will re-evaluate and eliminate the wasteful duplication of government authorities and services.

18. We will research the economic viability and ask Albertans that they seriously consider two forms of alternate taxation to be phased in:

(a) a corporate and personal flat-rate tax of 10% on income from all sources - NO EXEMPTIONS AND NO DEDUCTIONS; or
(b) a Consumption Tax (an end-user tax) of 5% - NO EXEMPTIONS AND NO DEDUCTIONS.

In keeping with the reform of our taxation system, any increase in taxes would have to be decided by referendum.

19. Albertans are entitled to receive their utilities at reasonable cost based on an Alberta-made formula. Our efforts will be directed towards goals that ensure Albertans derive direct and lasting benefits from their natural resources and the revenues derived therefrom.

20. A Separation Party of Alberta government will promote research into the viability of developing the iron ore deposits near Hines Creek, Alberta.

21. The Separation Party of Alberta will work with the private sector in such endeavours in order to establish primary manufacturing facilities in Alberta. It is our intention to develop a tax system that will promote the growth of primary industry in Alberta.

Declaration of Principles and Policies
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Separation Alberta
Box 31074
Edmonton, AB       T5Z 3P3

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Separation Party of Alberta
Declaration of Principles and Policies