Editorial Comment from the Separation Party of Alberta

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I'm no pollster worshipper - Tuesday, July 29, 2003

TORONTO--As somebody who has not worshipped at the shrine of public opinion pollsters, your correspondent was pleased upon reading three recent columns by nationally-known writers questioning the wisdom of believing everything a pollster says. In The Toronto Star, both Ottawa columnist Chantal Hébert and freelancer Rick Anderson, former campaign director of the Reform Party, and in the National Post, Edmonton Journal columnist Lorne Gunter, all took strong exception to the latest anti-Alliance ramblings of Frank Graves, president of EKOS Research Associates.

(full story)

Canada needs new global rules on beef bans - Tuesday, July 29, 2003
It's heartbreaking work, but Agriculture Minister Shirley McClellan appears to have little choice but to press ahead with plans to help sustain Alberta beef producers through a longer term closure of Canada's export markets. (full story)

No more half-measures - Tuesday, July 29, 2003
After a week of boisterous bravado, capped by the $5-billion . . . no make that 10 . . . wait, I'll go 20 billion . . . dare by Premier Ralph Klein, inviting Japanese to eat Alberta beef, it has become dishearteningly clear no degree of grandstanding and shallow expressions of confidence in our product is going to open up the borders to the U.S., Japan and 31 other countries any time soon. (full story)

Right decision - Tuesday, July 29, 2003
Energy Minister Murray Smith has been commendably prompt to promise talks on compensation for gas producers injured by gas well closures in the Wabiskaw-McMurray area. As the situation arose from the province's splitting of gas and bitumen rights there back in the '80s, its liability is clear. Both industry and investors needed quick assurance the province would step up to the plate. (full story)

Coalbed report valuable tool - Tuesday, July 29, 2003
There is little doubt that coalbed methane could add decades to Alberta's production of natural gas -- just as the oilsands are massively extending the province's oil reserves. (full story)

Kill All Judges! - Sunday, July 27, 2003
The other day I was listening to Peter Warren’s radio show in my car. A caller related some recent judicial stupidity (a person who worked at home being sentenced to a short period of house arrest for a hit-and-run in which the victim lost a leg) and I thought to myself, “Why can’t we get rid of these people?” But then I paused and really asked myself, why can’t we? The answer is simple: we can. It’s just that our leaders lack the courage necessary to act. (full story)

Keep Criminals Out - Wednesday, July 23, 2003
There's something alarmingly wrong with an immigration system that lets accused war criminals run free. Under Canada's immigration procedures, immigrants - including refugee claimants - found to fit the classification of war criminals are subject to deportation, which is as it should be. But between determination and deportation, there are abundant bureaucratic and legal hoops to be jumped through. So fingered war criminals are allowed to roam free, with orders to report to their nearest immigration office when the deportation order comes through. (full story)

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