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WASTE, WASTE INTERMINABLE WASTE - Friday, September 12, 2003 at 12:02
Lest you think the feds are the only ones who waste your hard-earned tax dollars, let me point out how our Alberta government gives away your money.  Gene Zwozdesky is the Minister of Community Development.  It is his department that doles out hundreds of thousands of dollars to various ethnic and religious groups that should otherwise be supporting themselves.  Here is just the tip of the ice berg:
1. St. Josephat Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral, Edmonton -  Research to produce a comprehensive centennial history of St. Josephat Ukrainian Catholic Church - $10,000
2. Metis Nation of Alberta Local 84 Red Deer - Research: Fighting Invisibility: Documenting the history of the Red Deer Industrial School - $12,000
3. Al-Rashid Cultural Association - Toward a volunteer coordinator - $20,600
4. Bazm-E-Sukhan Literary and Cultural Society - Toward the "Hand In Hand We Stand" program - $16,930
5. Calgary Multicultural Society -  Toward a volunteer program - $46,400
6. Edmonton Chinatown Multicultural Centre Foundation - Toward a Senior Services and Volunteer Coordinator - $48,000
7. Polish Veterans Society - Toward the replacement of ovens and other equipment - $19,502
8. The World Lebanese Cultural  Union Society of Edmonton - Toward coordination, equipment and furnishings - $25,000
9. Alberta Society of Youth for Democratic Values - $30,000
10. Calgary Jewish Centres - $8,200
11. Coalition for Equal Access to Education Society - $32,000.00
(There is no explanation for the last three).  The list goes on endlessly.  I believe that Zwozdesky's department should be renamed the "Department of Socialism, Give-aways and Grants."  And there are other departments who are equally generous with your money.  And this same government has the unmitigated gall to raise the rents to our seniors by 40% and our utility rates!  The policy of the Separation Party of Alberta is clear on this subject and I quote:
"The Separation Party of Alberta supports the principle of all citizens being first and foremost Albertans with our combined ethnic and religious backgrounds forming a unique and distinct culture that we know as Alberta.  The concept of individual ethnic and religious group maintenance rests solely on those who wish to support their heritage and not on the government."
The Edmonton Journal of September 11,2003 reported another blatant disrespect for the rights of Canadian taxpayers.  Gov. Gen. Adrienne Clarkson is going to spend $1 million of your tax dollars on a junket to Russia, Finland and Iceland to affirm "our shared northern identity."  She is taking her rich husband and 59 other guests most of whom are from Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver - only 10 live in Canada's north.  This Gov. Gen. is one of the most arrogant and snobbish people ever to grace that position - and remember she is appointed by the PM and is not accountable to you or the government.  She is proceeding unabashedly and unashamedly with the project without a scintilla of regard to us.
If we do not make a stand against this abuse of power by forming our own nation, you will be punished over and over again and there will be no letup.  When are we going to stand up and be counted?"
Al Romanchuk, Edmonton