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Successful Separation Meeting in Czar, Alberta - Friday, August 15, 2003 at 10:53

Successful Separation Meeting in Czar, Alberta

On August 14, 2003 over 50 concerned Albertans attended a meeting of the soon to be registered Separation Party of Alberta.

Bruce Hutton, Chairman of the Founding Committee, was the guest speaker. 

After Hutton's presentation outlining the plans of the Party, there was a spirited forty-five minute question and answer session discussing everything from Indian land claims to an armed force for the new country.

"I am extremely happy with the feedback we received from the people," stated Hutton. "It proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that the group forming the Policies and Principles of this party are definitely on the right track.  Our policy committee has already addressed the concerns of the Albertans who attended this meeting.  That is exciting."

The Separation Party of Alberta will be holding further public meetings throughout Alberta to spread their message and gather the necessary signatures to become a registered party in the Province of Alberta.

Hutton continued, " We have our Founding Convention coming up in Red Deer on October 31, November 1 & 2, 2003 at the North Hill Inn.  That shows we are heading in the right direction but gathering the necessary signatures to register the Party with Election Alberta is currently the most important undertaking.  There has never been a registered party in Alberta that advocated Separation.  We will be the first.  Many people are sitting in the wings watching to see what we do "