Separation Party of Alberta - "Giving Alberta to Albertans"

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Strathmore - Brooks Constituency Jay was born in Calgary in 1959 to George and Mildred Kolody in Calgary, the center of Alberta’s booming oil and gas exploration industry. In 1974 he proudly represented Alberta, as a speed skater, at the Canada Winter Games. In his high school years he found himself creating opportunities for himself and others and was a seasoned businessman before graduation. 

Jay moved to Lethbridge to study psychology and neuroscience graduating with a B.A./B.Sc. in 1985. Upon graduation he pursued a clinical therapy career over our great province including ten years with various levels of municipal and provincial governments. He moved to free enterprise and continued to provide consulting and counseling services within the private sector. Currently Jay is living another mismanaged economic disaster, the “BSE Crisis.”

Jay believes that on every single issue of conflict with the Canadian Federal Government, Klein postured on his ability to stand up and defend Alberta’s interests but he caved in the end . Jay is convinced the provincial government has allowed our rights and privileges as citizens to be constantly eroded. The Klein government has proven they don’t work for Albertans. Jay found he was in agreement with the policies and principles of the Separation Party of Alberta. (SPA) and realized that if there were to be any positive changes, it would not happen inside Canadian Confederation. Jay believes we must use our excess revenues from oil and gas, a nonrenewable resource, to diversify our economy. 

He believes the alternative is Alberta becoming a have-not province for our children and our grandchildren.


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Separation Alberta
Box 31074
Edmonton, AB       T5Z 3P3

Email:  contact us

Separation Party of Alberta 

Strathmore-Brooks Constituency Association

Phone: 403-485- 4141

Candidate Biography: 
Jay Kolody